NEMSU - Cagwait Campus 28th University Commencement Exercises

by: Public Information Office | June 30, 2023

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NEMSU - Cantilan Campus 14th University Commencement Exercises

by: Public Information Office | June 29, 2023

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Talk/visit With the University of the Philippines-Manila School of Medicine about potential collabor...

by: Public Information Office | June 22, 2023

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CHED Gawad Parangal 2023

by: Public Information Office | June 21, 2023

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The law, under Presidential Decree No. 907 grants those who graduated summa cum laude, magna cum lau...

by: Public Information Office | June 15, 2023

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The North Eastern Mindanao State University - NEMSU participated in the opening ceremony of the 63rd...

by: Public Information Office | June 15, 2023

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Benchmarking of the team at the University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines (USTP)...

by: Public Information Office | June 12, 2023

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Message of President Loayon on the Ocassion of the 2nd Quarter joint-academic and administrative cou...

by: Public Information Office | June 09, 2023

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CHED Memorandum Order No. 12 Series of 2018 2016 SUC Levelling Results, SUC Levelling Benefits, and...

by: Public Information Office | May 30, 2023

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Two-day ISO 9001:2015 1st Surveillance Audit

by: Public Information Office | May 30, 2023

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