The President's Report

by: Dr. Baceledes R. Estal | September 14, 2021

The President's Report

To the august members of the Board of Regents and to our Chair, the Honorable Commissioner Perfecto Alibin, Representative and Chairman for the House Committee on Higher Technical Education, Deputy Speaker, Congressman, Prospero A. Pichay, Jr. Representative, Chairman on Senate Committee on Senate Committee on Education, Arts and Culture, Atty. Luke Sartorio, NEDA Regional Director Priscilla R. Sonido, DOST OIC Regional Director, Engr. Andrea J. Cabonita, President of the Federation of Faculty Club Association, Dr. Floresito D. Calub, President of the Alumni Associations, Dr. Ponciano G. Alngog, Private Sector Representative, Sir Alan A. Pelenio and President, Federation of the Supreme Student Government, Mr. Edgar Anthony Siman, The Board Secretary, Ma’am Catherine F. Salomon, key Officials and resource persons joining us in this 2nd Quarter FY 2021 Regular Board Meeting please accept my felicitations and respect. At the onset, allow me to express to everyone that indeed, it has been a pleasure to be working closely with you in the realization of the Vision and Mission of Surigao del Sur State University, and as we traverse the forthcoming years under a new identity, we still, uphold the same CORE values serving multitude of our stakeholders.