System Wide Library Management Teamwork

by: Ma. Lea Griettel A. España | June 29, 2017

System Wide Library Management Teamwork

According to William Scott, NBC TV Weatherman “Librarians have always been among the most thoughtful and helpful people. They are teachers without a classroom. No libraries, no progress”.

Indeed! Librarians are the mind and soul of the library. SDSSU Librarians work hand in hand to improve and develop the resources especially in the digital world of the library.

One of the librarian from SDSSU-Tandag extend her expertise to one of the libraries of SDSSU management system. She was able to organized and processed their collections and taught them various electronic resources such as the online databases that includes STARBOOKS, Calibre, Proquest, eLibraryUSA Resources, Online Public Access Catalog  (OPAC) and other databases.