System Wide Librarians’ Meeting

by: Michelle Ann U. Ortega, MLIS | June 29, 2017

System Wide Librarians’ Meeting

As the saying goes that “when you don’t plan it, it will happen” describes best the just concluded meeting of the librarians of the six campuses with no less than the Director of Libraries, Mrs. Aida C. Osorio as the presiding officer.

The system librarians’ meeting was held last August 22, 2016 at the main campus university library. It was well-represented.

The meeting started with a prayer led by Mr. Ronnie J. Sajelan followed by checking of attendance and without further ado, the meeting proper. Agenda were listed: Preparation of APP and PPMP; Revision of Library Handbook and Library   Development Plan and Library Plans and Activities for 2017. Thorough discussions of each agenda were made and points of clarifications from the librarians were taken. More emphasis was on the revision of the library handbook because the last revision was held last 2012. Many changes were incorporated and properly documented by the secretary. The Library Development Plan was also revisited. Librarians were able to share their plans for the next school year and proposals were asked to submit to be included in the director’s report.

It was a day full of energy because snacks and lunch were served while the librarians are still working. So much have been done and the meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.