SDSSU-Tagbina hosts NCAFF 2021

by: | November 17, 2021

SDSSU-Tagbina hosts NCAFF 2021

November 4, 2021 marked another triumphant feat for Surigao Del Sur State University-Tagbina Campus (SDSSU-TC) as it hosted the two-day National Conference on Agriculture, Forestry, & Fisheries (NCAFF) 2021. Spearheaded by the SDSSU-Tagbina Campus’ Research Office, the NCAFF covered a span of two days—commencing on November 4, 2021 and concluding on the following day, November 5, 2021.

Over 100 participants attended the national conference via Zoom platform. The two-day affair opened with a video presentation that showcased the renowned tourist spots surrounding Surigao Del Sur. A message from the University President, Dr. Baceledes R. Estal, followed.

“As a result of SDSSU’s initiatives, the Institution has continuously expanded its capabilities over the years. This in turn has fostered a strong research climate aimed at producing high-valued innovative research to improve the University operation, create solutions to the challenges that beset the community and respond to emerging opportunities for continued improvement,” Dr. Estal said.

He also hoped that the conference will jumpstart more research-pertinent endeavors in the future as part of the university’s four-fold functions.

“Our participation and genuine engagement for the realization of this mission is a mark of our enduring commitment to quality education, to true academic stewardship and as our permanent tribute for nation building as North Eastern Mindanao State University,” he added.

Subsequently, the plenary session took off. The Plenary Speaker, Dr. Leslie T. Ubaub, delineated the current learning conditions in the University of the South Pacific in Apia, Samoa, where she’s currently affiliated with, as well as their interventions to address the constraints brought about by COVID-19.

The breakout sessions followed the plenary session in Day 1. It consisted of four parallel sessions: Agriculture Track 1, Agriculture Track 2, Forestry Track, & the Fisheries Track. At the onset, the moderators from every parallel session introduced the two main awards that the research presenters may receive: Best Paper Award and Best Oral Presentation Award.

Regarding the number of gathered research presentations, altogether, the conference raked in a total of 91 research studies from all three academic areas: Agriculture Tracks 1&2 elicited 52 researches; the Forestry Track received 17 studies; and the Fisheries track obtained a total number of 22 research papers. A number of evaluators also critiqued the acquired research studies and presentations: four evaluators for the Agricultural Tracks; three evaluators for the Forestry track; and another three evaluators for the Fisheries Track.

For Day 1, the research critics evaluated 30 research studies from the Agricultural Tracks; 17 research studies from the Forestry Track; and 12 studies from the Fisheries Track. The aforementioned activities comprised all the activities in Day 1.

The second day of the national conference opened with a replay of the above-mentioned showcase of Surigao Del Sur’s famous tourist spots. What came next was the Plenary Session of Dr. Filipina B. Sotto, a professor of the Department of Biology of Cebu Normal University. Dr. Sotto’s discussion focused on the impacts of Aquaculture. Specifically, Fisheries, on the facet of Food Security in the country.

Another series of research papers followed the Plenary Session. For Day 2, the evaluators from all three areas evaluated a total number of 22 research studies from the two Agricultural tracks, five research studies from the Forestry track, and 10 papers from the Fisheries track. The proclamation of winners concluded the two-day national conference.

For the “Best Paper Award”, the following presenters ranked first in each area: Agricultural Track—the collaborative work of Mr. John G. Ponteras from the Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine & Aquatic School of Technology, and Mr. Ulyssses P. Besas from the University of Southeastern Philippines; Fisheries Track—Mr. Leofred C. Velasco from Nueva Vizcaya State University; and Forestry Track—the collaborative work of Ms. Nenita M. Tolentino from Ramon National High School, Marlon U. Saludarez from Western Philippines University, and Mr. Jason Arnold L. Maslang from Saint Mary’s University.

NCAFF 2021 served as a festival of academic exchange, and as a stepping stone for Surigao Del Sur State University-Tagbina Campus’ undertakings to better serve its clientele, uphold one of its four-fold functions, which is Research, and keep itself abreast with international standards.