SDSSU Group of Researchers Participated in the 1st Blue Carbon Networking Workshop

by: Odinah C. Enteria | September 28, 2018

SDSSU Group of Researchers Participated in the 1st Blue Carbon Networking Workshop

Every organization has its creative process of innovating and integrating individual’s potential that can illustrate the process of their works. “Working Together Make Sense!” was the theme for the 1st National Blue Carbon Network (BCNet) Workshop held on September 22, 2018 at Philippine Red Cross Logistic and Training Center, Subic Zambales. The main objective of the said workshop was to bring together more researchers, policy makers, coastal entrepreneurs and other stakeholders primarily to present the different perspectives and applications of coastal blue carbon and its ecosystem in climate change mitigation.

The SDSSU group of researchers headed by Dr. Jocely B. Panduyos, actively participated and converged around with the Mindanao group of researchers from various higher institutions to contribute and formulate arguments on Blue Carbon Network. Series of presentations before the delivery of the detailed workshop agenda were conveyed. Dr. Anthony Sales, DOST Region IX Director, warmed-up the event with his opening remarks. Prof. Zazuo Nadaoka, Chief Technical Adviser of BlueCares, presented the highlights of the Blue Cares Project. Along with his presentation were the updates on the different activities conducted by different leaders under the Blue Cares Project. Aided by their respective projects, a number of experts in the same field, substantiated the talk of Prof. Nadaoka and also shared the progress of their projects focusing on the role of BCNet. Dr. Miguel D. Fortes, Blue Carbon Program Specialists, delivered some tips for successful network on Blue Carbon. Subsequently, on the later part, the three clusters (Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao) were asked to head up the workshop proper through sharing of relevant ideas with regards BCNet. Idea-storming among clusters sparked as they convene and complete the tasks. The Mindanao Cluster, which is mainly composed of MSU-Naawan, MSU-Tawi-tawi, MSU-IIT, SDSSU Campus, Xavier University, Ateneo De Davao University, USTP and University of Mindanao, decided to productively work together on Blue Carbon Network. It was truly a successful brainstorming activity where respectful and healthy agreement was observed.

After the workshop time, Dr. Fortes handled the presentation of each cluster’s output. He even encouraged the participants to provide feedback and comment on the output presented. He emphasized that contextualization of whatever issues observed in respective locality should be raised because he believes that big change starts from doing small things. Dr. Fortes ended up his facilitation with the famous line of Henry Ford, which states “coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is success.” The SDSSU group has not just impressed the cluster with its active participation, but indeed, has even realized the importance of conserving and protecting Blue Carbon. SDSSU always care!