by: Maryflor B. Estal | March 15, 2022


COVID-19 has presented an enormous challenge to libraries and librarians. The stress on policies and work habits began during the initial spread of the virus, when most libraries remained open, some with restrictions. These libraries had to figure out how to enforce social-distancing policies in a space that is open to everyone and used to trying to get people through the doors, not keep them at a distance. Then, as many libraries closed, the challenge grew: how to maintain as many programs and services as possible while in quarantine, and that were for the fortunate staff who work in libraries that did close. Many stayed open much longer than advisable or have re-opened for curbside checkout too soon, putting both their patrons and their staff at risk. 

Hence, the Surigao del Sur State University Cantilan Campus Library promotes remote services that will help students and faculty of institution in their needed information. There are 3 online library services offered;


  1. Library Reference Assistance (Atheneum), the updated fb account manages by the library staff in answer queries. Students and faculty may we also reach us through
  2. Request for Online Document Delivery Service- this is provided for SDSSU Cantilan Library Users only, this process  articles and books chapters request from journals, books, e-resources and other library materials available, under this service are photocopying  services for walk in clients and scanning  of materials  to be sent through fb messenger or email address.
  3. Online E-Book Request, there are two ways to access e books, seek assistance from the Reference Librarian or you may send request to
  4. Access to Electronic Resources/ Databases- you can visit our library website, or our IP address to browse and access the free and available databases.
  5. SDSSU  Digital Library

And now our new library services the Digital Library powered by ODILO! This format opens for you the “Netflix”, of multi-format content and unlimited learning resources. We encourage everyone to make the most of your learning experience with ODILO Digital Library access.


Enjoy online access wherever you are and anytime you want. Be Safe and God Bless Everyone.