Root-crops Production Seminar at Mabuhay

by: Extension Services and Linkages | November 26, 2018

Root-crops Production Seminar at Mabuhay

The BS Hospitality Management of the College of Business and Management spearheaded a seminar on Root-crops Production.  The seminar provided a venue for farmers to production issues, to discuss and to learn new technologies. The activity leader, Ramonito Tan explained the importance of root crops. He emphasized that these products are considered a global source of carbohydrates and provide some minerals and essential vitamins. Root crops are essential sources of food and feed among the residents in Mabuhay, Tandag City Surigao del Sur and agricultural land is devoted to root crops production. Hence, the extension team initiated a seminar to address food and nutrition security and to produce more crops.

Root-crops Production Seminar at Mabuhay

The available crops such as cassava, sweet potato and Gabi have been made into chips and they named it CHIKA CHIPS. The word chika literally means gossip. The idea came from a beneficiary in her impression that while chatting with friends they make use of their time cooking and producing more chips to increase their income. The beneficiaries dreamed to have the best root crops chips in Surigao del Sur thus participants were encouraged to come up with their own creative dishes.