Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action Workshop

by: Abundio C. Miralles | November 05, 2018

Root Cause Analysis and Corrective Action Workshop

Pursuant to CMO 46 s 2012 entitled Policy Standard to Enhance Quality Assurance in Philippine Higher Education, the Surigao Del Sur State University engaged in a 2-day workshop on October 26 and 29, 2018 at SDSSU-AVC. The workshop aimed to analyze the findings of the comprehensive internal audit conducted in the six (6) campuses of the University to provide an avenue for feed backing with the members of four (4) mandatory committees for ISO 9001: 2015. Participants to the workshop were tasked to present their findings for proper disposition of the management review before submission to the actual certification audit by the external certifying body. BCJA consultants facilitated the workshop with the direct supervision of the Quality Assurance Office of the University.