R&D Tandag holds Prior Art Searching

by: Jennilyn Doloriel | February 11, 2020

R&D Tandag holds Prior Art Searching

As a preliminary phase to apply for a patent grant, the Research and Development office particularly the Innovation and Technology Support Office (ITSO) of the University hosted a Two-Day Workshop on Prior Art Searching last October 17-18, 2019 at HRM, Building, SDSSU, Tandag City.

The main objective of this activity is to help the faculty to determine the originality of their invention and help them produce a better-quality patent draft. The activity was participated by the faculty researchers of the different colleges identified by the program research coordinators for they have the potential technology to be patented.

It started with a short program and workshop proper follows. Colleagues who have attended the previous trainings were invited as resource speakers for this activity. On the last day, presentation and critiquing of outputs were done. Certificate of completion were given to the participants and outputs were collected by the R and D.

R&D Tandag holds Prior Art Searching