R and D Office Spearheads a Seminar-Workshop on Writing a Publishable Research Paper

by: Dr. Maria Lady Sol A. Suazo | August 16, 2018

R and D Office Spearheads a Seminar-Workshop on Writing a Publishable Research Paper

The University with its Research roadmap is earnestly preparing its research workforce for the requirement of the 21st century creator of knowledge, imbued with the characteristics of innovation, adaptation and discovery. This is important because the world is becoming more and more connected. With this interconnectivity, the need to be competitive is a necessity. Thus, with this, the R and D Office spearheaded a seminar-workshop on writing a publishable   paper with its novice faculty as the participants of the said huddle last July 19-20, 2018, held at the SDSSU Old Library Main Campus. An international speaker from the University of Hawaii in the person of Dr. Francisco P. Dumanig was invited to talk on the topic. Rookies in the research aspect were taught on how to refine their paper so that it will be acceptable for publication. With this output, it is envisioned that there will be an increased utilization of the research productivity and so doing, there will be an attainment of the Vision and Mission of the University as a whole.