Message of Pres. Nemesio G. Loayon to the Harmonization of Academic Unit Manuals

by: Public Information Office | March 08, 2023

Message of Pres. Nemesio G. Loayon to the Harmonization of Academic Unit Manuals



Isaac Newton once said, “If I have seen farther than others, it is because I was standing on the shoulder of giants.”

Today, we come to harmonize our Academic Unit Manuals. This means that as a University with 7 campuses, and considered the largest in Caraga, we work on areas which are complementary in order to have plans working together for the achievement of an overall strategic objective.

This harmonization will surely help all academic units of the University share the same vision, work together, and optimize the use of resources.

Today, you, participants, are the giants whom the University stands on. For NEMSU to see farther, you form part of its vision that is geared to international standards.

My administration’s 8-point Agenda include knowledge-sharing and skills-driven internationalization program, where we are bound to produce globally competitive graduates with a specific action for an international curriculum and quality assurance for globally competitive education, as well as identifying international mobility of student and faculty mobility and knowledge-based economy. To make this happen, we need to establish strong linkages and networking industries locally and internationally.

Speaking of strong linkages, yesterday, we have presented our 2024 Proposed Budget during the RDC-SDC 1st Quarter Meeting held at the NEDA Caraga Conference Hall. With yesterday’s presentation, we were able to invite the interest of Gawad Kalinga to be a partner in the journey to a future full of hope.

With this activity today, let us not only harmonize our academic unit manuals, but may we also live in harmony with one another.

The President is one with you in sustaining our culture of excellence through our constant compliance to international standards.

Hence, allow me to thank the initiatives of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Maria Lady Sol A. Suazo with the Director for Curriculum Development Dr. Erwin B. Berry, and all of you for pouring out valuable efforts for NEMSU to be great always.

A pleasant morning ladies and gentlemen.