NEMSU-CC Aces Pickeball

by: The Vanguard Publication | August 30, 2023

NEMSU-CC Aces Pickeball

The winning players easily seized the golds by winning straight 2 sets in all categories, namely single, men’s and women’s double, and mixed double. Ma’am Loureville Gilda Urquia served as their coach.

In a snap interview, Guybear Gil Samontina, the captain ball of team NEMSU Cantilan, highlighted the integration of their knowledge and skills in lawn tennis and table tennis as their key strategy in acing the game.

“An amo mga nahibay-an sa lawn tennis tapos sa table tennis kay hapit-hapit ra man gud sila… Ugsa amo ra kibale tag combine-combine sanan practice-practice para makuha ini na kadaugan,” said Samontina.

NEMSU Cantilan already joined the national games last year in pickleball beating the first-time players from the main campus in this year’s Local MASTS.

Report by Pemuel Prado
Photos by Roger Bagood & Jhoana Marie Cabadonga

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