Law Library Orientation: Face-to-Face

by: Jehoney V. Alboroto, MSLIS | January 24, 2022

Law Library Orientation: Face-to-Face

In preparation for the 2nd Semester A.Y. 2021-2022 and in coordination with the College of Law, the Law Librarian attended the face-to-face College of Law Faculty Fellowship and Orientation held last January 24, 2022, from 10:00 am-2:00 pm at the Moot Room of the College of Law Building. The Law Librarian was given the opportunity to talk about the Law Library services and updates offered for the law faculty and staff. The program started with prayer and the singing of the Philippine National Anthem and was followed by a welcome message from our Law Dean Atty. Daniel L. Diaz. The introduction of the faculty and staff members of the College of Law was made.

The presence of our VPAA Dr. Ramel D. Tomaquin and Campus Director Dr. Nemesio G. Loayon were also there for their words of inspiration. There are a total of 26 law faculty and staff who attended the said event.

On January 28, 2022, the Law Librarian conducted a face-to-face library orientation to our law students during General Orientation held at the NEMSU gymnasium. Among the presenters were Atty. Daniel L. Diaz who presented the faculty members, Atty. Christian Lee R. Ramires discussed the Student Handbook, Atty. Lucks Mae Digaum-Yblernas shared the “Tips to Survive Law School”. An inspirational message was also given by our VPAA likewise closing remarks were given by our Campus Director. The program was also highlighted with an open forum where students' questions and queries were addressed.