EDUCATORS’ NIGHT Sponsored By DepEd Cantilan, LGU And SDSSU

by: Office Of The President | August 18, 2017

EDUCATORS’ NIGHT Sponsored By DepEd Cantilan, LGU And SDSSU

More often than not, educators are underappreciated or undervalued. The Educators’ Night reminds us that although we can acquire knowledge by studying on our own, our competent teachers play very significant roles in molding us into productive members of the society. Great teachers indeed contribute partly to who we are today or who we become in the future.

SDSSU President Dr. Baceledes R. Estal, in his speech of appreciation,  commends our teachers for taking on one of the most challenging and fulfilling professions of all time. The tireless efforts of our educators  have not gone unnoticed and applause is in order for the teachers’ unwavering commitment in shaping the minds of the youth and guiding them to their full potential.