Duty calls of the Evaluation Committee ….

by: SDSSU Board of Regents | August 22, 2018

Duty calls of the Evaluation Committee ….

When President Estal decided to extend his term of office for another four years, the Board through Board Resolution No. 47, series of 2018 created the Evaluation Committee chaired by FSSU President, Rev. Fr. John Christian U. Young. Working with Fr. Young in the evaluation of the performance and accomplishments of President in his four-year term of office were: Dr. Ma. Luisa Soliven, CMU President, Director Maricar Cascuejo, CHED Regional Director, Dr. Rosalyn C. Dayao, Faculty Representative and Dr. Josefina Prado, Private Sector Representative.

Duty bound to their commitments, the Evaluation Committee did due diligence in their evaluation as the fate of the re-appointment of President Estal was on their hands pursuant to Sec. 11 of CHED Memorandum No. 16 series of 2009 in titled Reappointment. The evaluation included the following activities:

  • Review of reports and other documents
  • The incumbent’s vision, mission, goals, plans and programs during his first term in office.
  • Annual reports and accomplishment reports, mid-term and end-of term reports, reports on student performance in licensure examinations.
  • Financial reports.
  • COA reports covering the period of the president’s term.
  • Copies of official student publication during the incumbency of the president.
  • Copies of research journals and other publications
  • Among other documents
  • Interview with representatives from various sectors of the academic community
  • Visits to other campuses or university/college projects
  • Interview with the president
  • Evaluation Committee’s Assessment of the President using the BOT approved evaluation instrument. Evaluated using Numerical Ratings according to the following criteria: 1) the president as an academic leader, 2) the president as an institution builder, and 3) the president as a resource mobilizer or fundraiser.

On that note, validation of the claims of the accomplishments was done tediously from ocular visits in the campuses to the interviews of various stakeholders.