Dr. Padua talks on Man as a Social Atom

by: Research And Development Office | December 06, 2017

Dr. Padua talks on Man as a Social Atom

On Oct. 18-20, 2017, Dr. Roberto N. Padua was invited as resource speaker for the Seminar-workshop on Man as a Social Atom at Lianga, Surigao del Sur. 

On its first day, he emphasized on his lecture the concept of Complex Adaptive System, which according to him, adaptation occurs when there is learning from each other and changing of strategy for survival. Further, he defines innovation as producing new things out of the old ones and an anticipation with action changes the system. 

On the last day of the seminar-workshop, participants submitted their outputs subject for the comments and evaluation of the speaker. He encouraged the participants to produce a publishable paper so that they can utilize the knowledge they gained from his input and have it disseminated to the wider academic community.