Dr. Padua Encourages Faculty To Scientifically Describe Data

by: Flordeliza P. Torrico | December 06, 2017

Dr. Padua Encourages Faculty To Scientifically Describe Data

Research and Development Office spearheaded the Seminar-workshop on Basic Data Analysis at Sea hoi Beach Resort, Lianga, Surigao del Sur on August 30, September 1, 2017. 

On its first day, Dr. Roberto N. Padua talked about the “Central Limit Theorem and Data Description”. He stressed that increasing the sample sizes of data leads to closer value on actual distribution. 

During the actual workshop, participants generated re-sampling of data using the Minitab software and presented their outputs to the resource speaker for his comments and suggestions.

On its finale, Dr. Padua challenged everyone to be analytical in analyzing data set and be able to produce publishable research using the different statistical methods.