Dr. Estal puts premium to excellence and quality

by: Maria Lady Sol A. Suazo | July 20, 2017

Dr. Estal puts premium to excellence and quality

Dr. Estal articulated that it is with great expectations that through the concerted efforts of the faculty researchers, the University will become a leading University that puts premium to excellence and quality during his talk on the second day (July 13, 2017) of the Qualitative seminar-workshop. 

He also reiterated that research is one of the determinants of SDSSU to maintain the University status; thus, he strongly encouraged that research culture should be viewed as a way of life. 

Qualitative research as a method not often explored made the President hard-pressed the Research and Development Unit to look for the experts who can inspire faculty researchers to traverse the road less travelled. With the guidance of Dr. Genaro V. Japos whom the President described as someone who never invites negativity and has always been seen as someone who exudes the value of positivism was indeed the right person to bring everyone into the lens of qualitative research method. The President also lauded the speaker’s capacity to sustain the interest of the audience with his wit, humor and good-natured character.

After his talk, there were several photo opportunities to highlight the participation of the different Colleges and Campuses. He also challenged the male participants with their active participation on research as they all joined him and Dr. Japos for a pose. But of course, after they had their picture taken, the female participants also claimed their all-female-participant photo opportunity with the President and the highly acclaimed speaker, Dr. Genaro V. Japos.