NEMSUan Debater breaks in Nigeria-based Tournament

by: Public Information Office | December 18, 2023

NEMSUan Debater breaks in Nigeria-based Tournament

Christian Hope Deligero, a BA-English sophomore student and a current NEMSU Debate Guild trainee, made waves in the Nigeria National Novice Tournament, bagging the 4th Best Speaker Award and ending his stellar run as a quarter finalist.

Christian Hope Deligero, a BA-English sophomore student and a current NEMSU Debate Guild trainee, made waves in the Nigeria National Novice Tournament, bagging the 4th Best Speaker Award and ending his stellar run as a quarter finalist.

Hosted by the University of Ilorin Debate Club via Discord from December 15-17, 2023, the online tournament posed another layer of challenge as the difference in timezones meant that the debate rounds were held until 3 am (Philippine standard time).

Nevertheless, Deligero persisted with his composite partner from the Caraga State University, Clivann Climaco, whom he considers was one of the reasons for their shared victory.

"Personally, if it were somebody else, I have partnered with, I would never qualify for the quarterfinals. Our synergy is so complementary," Deligero shared in a Facebook post.

Furthermore, he expressed his gratitude to the NEMSU Debate Guild, along with the people who contributed to his success in his introduction to the debate circuit.

"I was even doubting my skills if it were enough for me to break ba. Pero BIG thanks to the persons who contributed to my growth," he added.

This victory marks Deligero's first ever breakthrough in a debate tournament, and the fact that this was his first time makes the win more commendable.